Five Steps to Help Her...
Of course, sex can cause pregnancy―your biology textbook tells you that. But have you ever thought about how you can support a friend/girlfriend/family member when they’re faced with an unplanned pregnancy? Here are five steps you can take:
Be there for her.
When she finds out she’s pregnant, she’s going to feel like life is changing too fast. This can cause a lot of anxiety. Let her know that you’re there to listen and that she’s not alone.
Be Positive.
The last thing she needs is for you to respond with alarm when she’s already stressed—choose to be calm and reassuring.
Help Her.
Identify ways you can help and offer to lend a hand. Could she use help finding a doctor, picking up her latest pregnancy cravings, or getting supplies? Don’t be overbearing. Just be available.
Provide Rest and Relaxation.
This might be the most challenging period of her life. Support and encourage her. Let her know she still deserves a little pampering. Treat her to a meal, have a movie night at home, or indulge her with a spa day.
Create a Support Network.
Have friends and family join in to help her on her journey to motherhood. Throw a baby shower, set up meal trains to help feed her, raise gas money or offer to drive her to appointments, start a GoFundMe page, or fundraise to help pay for baby supplies.