It’s Up to You

It’s difficult to be a girl in the 2020s...

You’re living in two demanding worlds: the real world and the online world. The pressure can build quickly between dealing with school, activities, sports, and even your home life. Never mind the complexity of relationships―both friendships and romantic ones. Or being influenced or bullied by online forces.

Beneath that pressure, you have dreams and hopes for your future. You’re on a journey to become a strong, independent woman willing to work for a meaningful life.

On this website, you’ll find facts and tools to empower you to make good choices. For example, have you ever heard of the Success Sequence? Probably not. According to the Brookings Institute, people who do these three things:

1. Get a high school diploma
2. Maintain a full-time job
3. Wait until marriage to have kids
Have a 97% chance of living free from poverty.1

From understanding the importance of choosing who you surround yourself with to how you think about yourself and your body if you should send a nude, or deciding when to start having sex, these choices can change your life.

Your journey to a successful, fulfilled, and purposeful life begins with committing to learn how to choose the right things. Sometimes you might fail, or maybe you already have, but every day you get the opportunity for a new beginning.

You get to decide. Life is what you make of it. Live with purpose.